JHStuart and Associates work with clients ranging from single family lot owners to development groups pursuing large scale multi-family dwelling and commercial real estate projects, typically in northern Vermont including Chittendon, Addison, Lamoille, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties. Two examples have been provided to demonstrate the type of improvements and level of involvement.
Westford Residence – Small Scale Project
The client purchased an older home on Lake Champlain that will be razed and replaced with a new structure. Because of the proximity of an older wastewater disposal system to the lake, the house is to be served by a new disposal system that incorporates new technology, enhanced treatment and increases the isolation distance to the lake. In addition to the engineering site plan (see attached Dwg. 1), the project required coordination with the State Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) to assess site conditions, prepare the design, complete an application and securing a Water and Wastewater permit that will allow construction of all improvements associated with the plan.
Eastfield Condominiums – Large Scale Project
The client required a wide range of engineering services to develop a 15 acre tract in Fairfax to support the construction of 44 condominium units. Included in the civil and environmental engineering services provided, designs and permits were prepared that included: 1) site plan for building, parking, roadways and infrastructure, 2) stormwater planning for collection and treatment in detention basins, 3) community water system consisting of a drilled well, reservoir, pump station and distribution piping, 4) community wastewater system with collection piping, treatment, central pump station and disposal field. The permits required for this project included a Water and Wastewater systems, Indirect Discharge Permit for the construction and operation of the community wastewater system, Water Supply permit for the construction of all water system related improvements, Agency of Transportation permit to address the project access onto Route 104, Town of Fairfax approval by the Development Review Board for compliance with local zoning and subdivision regulations and Vermont’s land use permit (Act 250) which covers water, wastewater, erosion control, stormwater management, resources impact (agricultural lands, wildlife, wetlands), local impacts (schools, capital improvements), traffic, utilities (telephone, electric, cable) and compliance with local as well as regional plans. See attached (Dwgs. 2, 3 and 4 for examples).